Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 1, 2010

Can I start off a post titled January 1, 2010, and write the entry on January 2nd? Is that against the generally accepted blog rules? I don't care! This one is MY blog and I will do what I want!! :)

HELLOOOOO 2010! I am going to attempt a 365 photography project this year... My plan is to upload at least ONE photo per day, every day, for all of 2010. This will allow for me to capture some of the "mundane" moments of our lives that we don't want to forget, and will also allow our family - near and far - to keep up with what we're up to in our life.

So... For my January 1st picture, well, I'm already making excuses... HA HA! I took some adorable pictures last night... with my mother in law's camera. She flew back to Montana today, and silly me forgot to download all of the photos. So, those photos have been requested, and will be uploaded soon. :) (Edited to add the pictures! She's quick to get them to me!)

Hopefully this won't be too boring of a blog... but I can count on the grandparents checking in regularly, if no one else.


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