Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some pics cutting off...

Sorry some of the images are getting cut off. If you click on the picture, you will see the full image. :)

March 12, 2010

Kierstin and I went to visit our friend Crissy's new baby girls, Kylie and Kaley! They are soooo little!

March 10, 2010

WHEW! I have some catching up to do!! We had a whirlwind 8 day trip to Kansas, and getting ready for that, and recouperating from that has thrown me off my game!!

I'll post a few pics today, trying to catch up a little.

Here's a picture of Brian, wearing his "Danny and the Miracles" tee shirt from the KU 1988 Championship team. My mom bought it for him for his B-Day, and I think he's worn it every day since he got it!

Then, of course, if the camera comes out, Kierstin gets silly!